Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ying Yang Tattoos - Reasons Why Some People Choose These Tattoo Designs

Have you ever thought of depicting the Chinese Philosophy of Yin Yang through your skin? If you do, this is surely an extraordinary symbolism that you may use as a tattoo in your body. In fact, Yin Yang tattoos have become extremely popular in many societies these days not only because they look very beautiful in the skin but because the underlying symbolism is very meaningful for many people.

There are some things about Yin Yang that would make you want to use it as a body art.

• Taken separately, the Yin which is female and destructive in nature depicts the light portion of the circle. The Yang on the other hand which is masculine and creative in nature is the darker portion. According to this Chinese Philosophy once these two are joined together they form the five elements that are believed to be the catalysts for change in the universe which are as follows:


Many people have chosen the Yin Yang tattoo in their body because:

• They believe that in order to be balance opposites should exist.
• They believe that one side of the circle is only completed by with the existence of the other side which means that harmony can only be achieved through the intermingling of the two forces-the Yin and the Yang.
• They believe that Yin Yang tattoos contain a deep and profound sense of spirituality that they would like to have in their life.
• They are attracted to the exquisite and seemingly complicated design that has a deeper meaning.

When you decided to have your tattoos in your body, you can have room for personal interpretation without having to eliminate the real essence of the tattoo design. There are numerous symbols you can incorporate in your Yin Yang tattoos. You can also check some tattoo galleries online for more exciting designs.

By Subramani Chinnaraj

Angel Tattoos - The Wonderful Meaning Behind Tattoos For Both Men and Women

So you're looking for one of those cool Angel Tattoos? There are a lot of them out there and it's not so easy to make a decision which one to get. But let's take a quick look at a couple points about the meaning behind angel tattoos.

By sheer volume, it is quite clear that angel tattoos are quite popular with girls and women. They usually take the form of an angel sitting on a cloud (cherub-like) or of a vindictive angel (like Lucifer the fallen angel). Often they are transfigured entities ( often young men ie Michael from the Bible) who are cascading in light or wearing religious robes, carrying swords and wands. Angels are frequently linked with a higher being or a "god" of some nature and are depicted as being the keepers of man's soul and the preserver of faith and spirituality.

Angels represent higher sentient beings and are above man in Nature's hierarchy. He is given the unenviable task of being man's guardian.The Angel guardian tattoos are also very popular with girls because they are intelligent witty creatures - and perhaps somewhat romantic. They are often represented as spirits that guide us and that add to our personal security in some way.

It is not a well known fact but angel tattoos can equally be used by boys. If you go searching deep enough on the Internet, you can find hundreds of pictures of guardian angels for boys. The most popular place for the tattoo placement, at this time, for a man or boy is on the upper arm or shoulder. For woman it is on the lower body cavity.

As far as real large tattoos are concerned, the winged angel is also seen quite a bit. In some cases, it 's tattooed on the entire back and looks quite elegant, especially with the dark coloring See Here . I, myself, find these rather impressive with their detail and majestic appearance.

By Em John

Rose Tattoo - A Symbol of a Pure Love

The rose is a symbol of a pure love. It is the ultimate floral symbol because of it's beauty, shape and scent. The rose is still the most the most requested and the most popular when we are speaking of all flower tattoo designs. It is very popular not only to women but for men as well.

The rose is also a symbol of chastity, purity and passion. It reigns supreme as the most beloved of all flowers. When it comes to tattoo, a single red rose means that a person is in love while a thorn less rose means love at first sight. A yellow rose is a symbol of joy, light pink for sympathy and admiration, white for reverence and orange for enthusiasm.

The white rose was the symbol of virginity in medieval times. Red covers every kind of love, both romantic and sacred. Since humans first encountered the rose, its beauty, exquisite scent and variety have inspired saints, artists and lovers.

Roses represent beauty and love for the Greeks and Romans. It is compared to the goddesses Aphrodite and Venus. It is also used as a symbol of the Virgin Mary. Early Christians first associated the Roman enemies as the rose. It became a mark of scorn, but it became a symbol of the survival of persecution eventually. But the Christians adopted the rose later on as a symbol of a miracle. They were won over by its fabulous beauty.

The rose is the national flower of England and United States. It is also the provincial flower of the Yorkshire and Lancashire in England, the white and the red rose respectively. A red rose is used by British, French, Irish, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese, Brazilian and other European labor as a symbol of socialism or social democracy. The red rose is often used as a gift during Valentines Day to show love and respect to a special someone.

Many tales and legends considered the rose as a symbol of love and delight. But as a tattoo design, the rose is simply a symbol of expression of a person's feelings of love that is pure towards another person.

By Matt J. Cararra

Bow Tattoos

More and more women are getting tattoos. In the past tattoos were associated with gangsters and women of "questionable virtue"; tattoos are now seen as an artwork and a form of personal expression. That being said not everyone wants a skull or a heart with "Mom" written through it (no disrespect to anyone's mom!) Women in particular want more delicate pretty tattoos, and for this reason bow tattoos have become increasingly popular.

Bows have long been associated with girls and women, worn in their hair and on their clothes as a fashion statement. I see tattoos as a personal and fashion statement, so it seems only sensible to me that they are making a more permanent statement and having them tattooed on their bodies. We can spend hours choosing the right clothes to wear, and applying make-up, if you already have a bow tattoo that is one form of beautification already taken care of, after the initial inking, it takes no time to apply and it will be washed every time you are.

The position of your bow tattoo is equally important; do you want it on prominent public display? Or are you going to keep it under wraps, showing it only when you choose? This will depend not only on your personality and how confident you feel displaying your tattoos, but also on your lifestyle, if you are a corporate business woman you might need to keep yours undercover at work! One particularly effective option is to have a slender part of the body, finger, wrist or ankle circled with an inked ribbon and finished with a bow tattoo. This can resemble jewellery as can bow tattoos on earlobes. If you want to be able to cover up at times, consider having your bow tattoo inked on your shoulder, lower back or thigh.

There is an old saying/tradition that uses knots or bows of string tied around fingers or into clothes to remind you of something, a bow tattoo can be used in the same way to remind you of a special person or event, a birth or anniversary for example. Bows have been used in art for hundreds of years to symbolise the fragility of life, it can be beautiful, just like a bow, but also like a bow life can be unravelled quickly. Yellow ribbons tied around trees have been used in more recent history, as a symbol that someone is waiting for the return of a loved one from war or a long journey. Pink bows or ribbons are now used to raise awareness of, and support for, women suffering from breast cancer. These are all powerful symbols and therefore anyone wishing to get a bow tattoo should think carefully which color and shape of bow to have inked, choose something that means something to you, it will be with you for a long time and will be a reflection of who you are to the world.

By Zoe Witch

Angel Tattoo Designs Are Perfect Blend of Beauty And Significance

Popular Angel Tattoos
There are several types of angel tattoo designs that one can opt for as per their preference and choice. Moreover, a tattoo enthusiast can also go for a customized design to create a unique look. Following are some of the most common angel tattoo designs that are often sported by tattoo enthusiasts:
Cherub Angel Tattoo: It is the one of the most common and popular angel designs. The tattoo depicts a winged creature, usually seated on clouds with a trumpet or bow in hand. It is associated with cupid and is hence considered to be a messenger of love.
Guardian Angel tattoo: This tattoo is considered as a symbol of guardianship that ensures care and protection. People sporting a guardian angle tattoo often feel that they have a guardian angel with them all the time that will take care of them.

Apt Placement of Angel Tattoos

The placement for an angel tattoo varies from person to person. While in most cases men opt for upper arm, chest and shoulders, women go for abdomen. An extensive, full-sized angel tattoo is often done on the back that looks really attractive.

Though one can go for any part for the design, but there are some positions like wrists and foot that are usually not selected for an angel tattoo.

video tattoo

Women Hibiscus Flower Tattoo Design

The Hibiscus is one of the few tropical flowers that are native to Hawaii. The yellow ma'o hau hele hibiscus is the state flower. There are a variety of colors to choose from: white, pink, red, lavender, green, blue, yellow, and orange. A hibiscus flower worn behind the ear of single Hawaiian women represents that she is ready to find a partner for marriage. The traditional meaning of the hibiscus is delicate beauty which could make a great Hawaiian flower tattoo.

Hawaiian flower tattoos

Hawaiian flower tattoos can be a great way to express your homage to the Hawaiian culture. Get familiar with Hawaiian flowers and what they can symbolize.

Tattoo Art spotlight

tattoo magazines

On the web you'll basically accept a best amid chargeless galleries and sites that allegation for their designs. You can acquisition some abundant being on the chargeless sites, but you'll accept to attract your way through a lot of not so acceptable designs to acquisition it. The paid sites usually accept more good quality, able designs, so for a baby fee you can save yourself a lot of time and go beeline for the best work. Added options for award designs accommodate tattoo magazines and conventions, and allotment assignment anon from the artist.

Tattoo Art Designs

Go to any tattoo flat or browse the abounding tattoo-related sites online, and you'll acquisition beam art depicting angels, animals, flowers, fantasy subjects, animal figures, symbols, zodiac signs, cartoons, Celtic and added affiliated designs, birds, fairies, monsters, ghosts, insects, kanji, hearts, suns and abounding added capacity too. The styles in which they're fatigued alter abundantly too, from basal to abundant added adorned - there absolutely is article to clothing every taste.

So, there's affluence of abundant tattoo art to accept from, so don't aloof aces the aboriginal architecture that catches your eye - attending about and analysis out what's accessible both online and off. You can appointment your bounded tattoo shops to see what's accessible there, but you'll acquisition a abundant greater array of artwork online.

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Tattoo Art has been producing high quality tattoo designs for professional tattoo artists for over twenty years. No one has been at this longer! Tattoo Art was the first to provide a working outline for the tattoo artist to use as a tattoo stencil pattern. Tattoo artists worldwide depend on our company to provide the original art their customers demand, and we deliver!

Now, Tattoo Art can deliver those same classic tattoo designs directly to you. Whether it’s tribal, old school, zodiac, panthers, roses, or anything else, just choose the tattoo design that’s perfect for you and download it right to your computer.

Tattoo Art

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tattoo Design Picture

While searching for a location on the body to get a tattoo, most women choose the hip as it is deemed one of the ‘sexiest’ areas on the body to get inked. While choosing a

The Best Angel Tattoo Gallery

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Synth Tattoo Gallery

And if one of these tats is yours, leave a comment with your synth tat story!

Female Tattoo Gallery - Hot Tattoos Especially For Women

Normally female tattoos or feminine designed tattoos that are usually found in female tattoo gallery are becoming increasingly familiar and favored by women. This is largely due to the many celebrities who publicly sported tattoos that caused it to be more socially acceptable.

Selecting a tattoo design

Welcome Tattoos Pictures is a free online photo gallery and community for Tattoo Pictures. and Design Images for everybody. Photos of Celtic Tribal and Asian Tattoos. Tattoo Picture Designs and Body Art Categories listed below. Picture Gallery tattoos pictures , tattoos pics ,tattoo pictures , tattoo picture , pictures of tattoos ,tribal tattoos pictures ,cross tattoo pictures , flower tattoo pictures Latest Tattoo Pictures These are the most recent tattoo pictures added to the gallery.

tattoos zone

Tattoo Designs For Sexy Girl With Japanese Tattoo Design Gallery

New Temporary Tattoo Gallery

You can design and create your own temporary tattoo if you do not want a permanent one. You can use your temporary tattoo for parties, shows or even just for fun. There are temporary tattoo kits that are available on the market.

A Synth Tattoo Gallery

Synthgear has put together a gallery of synth tattoos, like this awesome monome tat and the Moog Minimoog tattoo, below.

If you’ve got an awesome synth tattoo, leave a link in the comments. If you’ve got a nasty photo of your half-naked hairy body sporting an irritated, splotchy tattoo, wait a week or two and take another picture.

Free New Tattoo

Nowadays, you can really get many good tattoo designs and customized pieces that tattoo artists can do. So don't be tempted to get those tattoos designs that will date really fast and end up looking sloppy.

Usually female tattoos in any female tattoo gallery are very sexy and hot. Just do a search for "female tattoos" on the internet and you can get more ideas regarding these tattoo designs.

Tattoos Gallery

Tattoo Design

Find More tattoo designs on Tattoo Gallery

Looking the beautifully of tattoo design in here, Tattoo gallery give you more idea about tattoo design. See it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cougar tatttoo designs Cougar tatttoo

This free cougar tattoo design has a comic style.

Elephant tattoo design Elephant tattoo

Cat tattoo Cat tattoo design

A masterpiece of cat tattoo designs. The moon, the eyes, the cloud all indicate that this cat in the tattoo are from a magic world.

Sunday, April 18, 2010